Human rights and labor standards

We respect human rights and advocate for their protection – at our own sites and in the supply chain.

Here we follow the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in accordance with the “Protect, Respect and Remedy” framework and view human rights due diligence as a responsibility shared by all participants in the value chain in question, including nations and economic actors.

Respect for human rights is reflected in our company values and is included in our Code of Conduct. In it we pledge to reject all forms of discrimination and handle individual and cultural diversity in our company with sensitivity.

The Aurubis Human Rights Commitment summarizes Aurubis’ understanding and key elements of our human rights due diligence obligation. It is aimed at all employees, business partners, and other partners of the Aurubis Group. The Aurubis Business Partner Code of Conduct specifically applies to business partners.

We do not tolerate forced labor or child labor, and we respect the rights of indigenous populations. We are committed to the principle of codetermination in the company and place a high priority on good communication between our employees and the company management. Compliance with the internationally recognized International Labor Organization (ILO) core labor standards, labor law provisions, applicable labor standards and laws relating to compensation, working hours, and the general rights of our employees is fundamentally important to us.

We have participated in the United Nations Global Compact since 2014 and are committed to working towards implementing its ten principles related to human rights, labor standards, the environment, and anti-corruption. We have pledged to comply with the OECD Due Diligence Guidelines to promote responsible supply chains.

As part of the Copper Mark certification process at our sites in Hamburg, Lünen (both in Germany) and Pirdop (Bulgaria), we underwent audits in accordance with the Copper Mark criteria on human rights and labor and social standards. This audit verified our human rights approach to our business activities and in the supply chain.

Human rights and environmental risks, as well as violations of human rights or environmental responsibilities, that result from Aurubis’ business activities in its own business area or with direct and indirect suppliers, can be reported via our whistleblower hotline

In our view, our responsibility to uphold human rights extends to the supply chain. Read more about this in the Responsible Supply Chain section.

Vedrana Lemor
Vedrana Lemor

Head of Sustainability and External Affairs

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